Minecraft Server



296 / 1000 players online





Server Information



StatusOnline Online
Players296 / 1000


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Minecraft Server

Join The CosmosMC Discord Server

Welcome to CosmosMC. Our server has the friendliest community on Minecraft. We're a Network that offers the best of the best Earth, Survival, Prison, Skyblock and factions gamemodes.

We're always innovating and pushing to improve, and all community feedback gets taken into account and implemented. If you the player wants something changed, added, or removed, we make it happen.

Join today to learn all about each gamemodes features!

If connecting on Bedrock Edition, or any version of the game that isn't java follow these instructions.

USE THE IP: org.cosmosmc.org PORT: 19132

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join CosmosMC?

Follow this simple guide:

  • Start up your Minecraft in the correct version.
  • Under the "Multiplayer" section, click on "Add Server"
  • Insert the IP org.cosmosmc.org and click Done.
  • You can now find CosmosMC under your server list.

You can try out as many of the servers from our list without having to select and deselect any.

What is the IP for CosmosMC?
You can join CosmosMC using the IP org.cosmosmc.org for Java Edition and org.cosmosmc.org for Bedrock Edition.
Can I play CosmosMC on my phone or tablet?
Yes! CosmosMC is a server for Bedrock players, you can connect to the server from your PS4, Xbox, Phone, Tablet and all other devices that support Minecraft Bedrock Edition using the IP org.cosmosmc.org.
What Minecraft versions does CosmosMC support?
CosmosMC supports Minecraft 1.20 only.
What can I play on CosmosMC?
CosmosMC is a server with a variety of gamemodes to play. This includes Survival, Skyblock, Lifesteal, Vanilla, Towny.
How can I contact CosmosMC?
If you have an issue or need help, you can join the CosmosMC Discord server. You can find the link to the Discord server on the server page.

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